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Type of glass clarifier

In the glass industry, commonly used glass clarifiers are nitrate, sulfate, ammonium salt, fluoride, rare earth mineral,As2O3 , Sb2O3, and so on. Among them, rare-earth elements (such as cerium oxide) are used as glass clarifiers, which have good clarification effects and low pollution, but are relatively expensive, and are usually only used by some large glass manufacturing companies.

As2O3 and Sb2O3 are traditional glass clarifiers. Although they are toxic, especially As2O3, they are still widely used in glass production because of their efficient clarification and relatively low price. Such as white scallion, arsenic and antimony minerals and waste residues used by most small enterprises. The use of arsenic and antimony glass clarifiers not only causes severe environmental pollution, but also has an important impact on the production and application of glass.

In the export trade, there are particularly strict requirements for harmful elements contained in glass products. Therefore, the analysis and determination of arsenic in glass clarifiers is very necessary, both in terms of protecting the ecological environment and protecting human health and export trade. The traditional chemical analysis method is to separate the sample body Si from As, which is tedious and time-consuming.

Factors affecting the effectiveness of clarification

When the batch is added to the furnace, a large amount of gas will be generated during the formation of silicate and the formation of glass liquid. The process of eliminating gas in glass liquid is called clarification. Due to the different glass composition, its melting temperature, atmosphere, etc. Various factors will have different effects on the clarification process.

Relationship between chemical composition of glass and clarification of glass

The higher the proportion of SiO2, Al2O3, and Ca2O in the glass component, the more difficult it is to clarify the glass, because these oxides increase the viscosity of the glass; on the contrary, the proportion of Na2O, K2O and other basic oxides in the glass component The higher, the lower the viscosity of the glass, the better the glass melting and clarification.

Relationship between the broken glass penetration ratio and glass clarification

In general, the penetration ratio of broken glass of the same composition accounts for about 30%, which is conducive to glass melting and clarification. However, the glass penetration rate is too large, because the glass clarifier itself needs to consume the glass clarifier. If the glass clarifier is not supplemented, it is easy to produce small bubbles, which is disadvantageous to the glass clarification.

Properties and uses of glass clarifier

Glass clarifiers are widely used in vessel glass, bottle glass, infusion bottle, fluorescent lamp glass, gem glass, light bulb, glass ceramics, thermos bottle, tube glass, glass ball, etc. It is used in high-white materials, ordinary white materials, colored materials, crystal materials and other glass.

The glass clarifier produced by our company has no yellowing and fogging in the sun, reduces the amount of sodium nitrate and selenium powder, accelerates the removal of air bubbles in the glass melt, improves the clarity and transparency of glass products, and is used in glass raw materials. Less dosage, quick effect, significant clarification and decolorization effect, and low price. It can be used for production of glass plants with different varieties of glass, different furnaces and different fuel structures. It has the advantages of high efficiency, safety and environmental protection without changing the original formula.

How to choose the right glass clarifier

Choosing the right glass clarifier is critical to the quality of the glass, the amount of heavy metal precipitation, the service life of the refractory material, and the environmental impact. This is not just a matter of price.

Different clarifiers have different usage amounts and objects, and also have requirements on the use temperature and furnace atmosphere.

Elements to consider when selecting a glass clarifier

Glass quality requirements: According to glass industry standards and international standards, the distribution of bubbles is required

Environmental protection requirements: According to national requirements for arsenic, antimony and sulfur emissions from flue gas.

High-temperature characteristics of glass: Stability requirements in the thermal state of glass.

Economic principles of glass production

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  • North side of Kaitai Road, Jiangyan Economic Development Zone, Taizhou City, Jiangsu Province
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